Zilzu  (1999)

Also Known As: Dash
Starring: Nam Sang-Ah, Kim Seung-Hyeon(a), Song Nam-Ho
Director:Lee Sang-In(b)
Production:Han Wul Cine
Distribution:CJ Entertainment
Country:South Korea

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Used VHS $19.98

About Zilzu
Young ones, Ba-Ram, Seung-Hyeon, Sang-Jin and Seon-Woo participate in 'Training Camp of part-timers in Eden building.' Although they had their own dream, they are just part-timers at present. Ba-Ram is with boyish appearance and attractive husky voice. She loves music so much and thus, sings everyday. Seung-Hyeon is one of wealthy origin. He is attracted by Bo-Ram when he meets her in a nightclub. He gets to be serious about his life for the first time. Sang-Jin works at a racehorse track on weekend and at a Japanese restaurant on week days. He has no special vision, but his dream is just to be away from the poverty and to run the coast by sports car with a college attendant girl friend. As the responsibility for his family increases, he becomes discontent with an unfair world. Seon-Soo is a graduate of top university. However, he is not good at management of his own life yet. His dream is to be a lawyer, who he believes is the most powerful person, but he fails the bar exam. He makes love with Sang-Hee, Sang-Jin's sister and realizes his hidden instinct.